Thursday, February 28, 2013

Welcome Snow Day First Day

Snow Feb 29,2013

Welcome, woke up to a snow covered wet day, but it sure is beautiful.....and a perfect way to start to the new blog. Hi I am Annette, I am an artist a mom and well newly really working on 2 years of a self sufficient life style, or Homesteading as you may prefer. My Husband, and the kids and I moved up to this beautiful Area in New York May 18, 2011. When we came the land was well full of buck brush pines, rocks rocks and more rocks and a field of potential.  We sold off everything I mean everything we loaded a cargo van and a 4 x 6 ft trailer journeyed almost a 1,000 miles, our first summer here we cleared and a cleared and yep you guessed it cleared. You couldn't walk into the area above in picture it was full of blackberry, (which we replanted most), Bramble and maple trees, the maple trees and bramble help create the trellace and arbor in picture last spring. 

We built our house the fall of the first year a tiny home, and this year we will be adding our larger home, a greenhouse, and more gardens and some fruit trees. We have added to our family rabbits, goats, chickens and horses, and 3 pups 2 red heelers and my sons black lab. We also have a little chihuahua shes our old lady but she thinks shes the biggest dog around.

I decided to start a blog I did a blog a years ago, mainly for my art, I have been mostly a painter the last 12 years, which I love and is my little escape from reality :).

So here's what to look for and I hope you will book mark and come visit me often, and share with me too . I love hearing new ideas, and useful tips. We are still learning lots about off the grid living, and trying to get 100% self sufficient. I will share many of my future gardens, veggies, fruits, and perennials. I been getting into herbs medicinal and yummy culinary herbs. I love to find Junk and make it into things. Oh and recipes I love to cook and play especially when we have fresh veggies around. Hope to try a pig in the ground this year, cooking it all day in the ground, that should be a fun one.

I am always on the lookout for saving on cost of living, and will share the ways I find, tips on gardening, I grew up on a farm and love my hands in the dirt, and what it does for your daily life it's amazing. Ever do some canning over an open fire? How many uses for a tree you cut down to make it 100% usable in your life, I figure if you are gonna cut it down it needs to be used, and love the challenge it brings to find different uses for it. 

So this is the short condensed story the start of the blog, hope you will come along with me, and enjoy the time spent together.

I leave ya with a couple more pictures captured this morning.

Have a Beautiful day